
Description   This unit contains the predefined subprograms that deal with taking pictures of part of the screen, displaying them and moving pictures from file to screen and back.

All routines in the Pic unit are exported qualified (and thus must be prefaced with "Pic.").

Entry Points  
New Creates a picture from a specified portion of the screen.
Draw Draws a picture on the screen.
DrawSpecial Draws a picture on the screen using special effects.
DrawSpecialBack Draws a picture on the screen while continuing execution using special effects.
Free Frees up the picture created by using New or FileNew.
FileNew Creates a picture from a file in an allowed format.
Save Saves a picture as a file in an allowed format.
ScreenLoad Displays a file in an allowed format on the screen directly.
ScreenSave Saves a specified portion of the screen as a file in an allowed format.
Rotate Creates a new picture by rotating an existing picture.
Scale Creates a new picture by scaling an existing picture.
Flip Creates a new picture by flipping an existing picture upside-down.
Mirror Creates a new mirror-image of an existing picture.
Blend Creates a new picture by blending two existing pictures together.
Blur Creates a new picture by blurring an existing pictures.
Width Returns the width of a picture.
Height Returns the height of a picture.
Frames Returns the the number of frames in a multi-frame GIF file.
FileNewFrames Creates an array of pictures from a multi-frame GIF file.
DrawFrames Draws a series of pictures on the screen in sequence while continuing execution.
DrawFramesBack Draws a series of pictures on the screen in sequence.
SetTransparentColor Sets the color to be ignored when using picMerge mode.
SetTransparentColour Sets the color to be ignored when using picMerge mode.