Net.HostAddressFromNamePart of Net module

Syntax   Net.HostAddressFromName (
    hostName : string) : string

Description   Returns the numeric TCP/IP address of the machine whose hostname is specified by the hostName parameter.

Details   The Net module requires a TCP/IP stack to be installed and operating in order to function. It does not communicate using any other protocols

It is possible for Firewalls to interfere with the actions of the Net module, preventing connections from taking place.

Example   The following program prints out the hostname of the current machine.

        var hostName : string := ""
        put "The machine address of ", hostName , " is ", 
            Net.HostAddressFromName (hostName)
Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Net.HostAddressFromName, not by calling HostAddressFromName.

See also   Net.HostNameFromAddress.