
Description   This unit contains the predefined subprograms that deal with sound and music. Some of these routines have not been implemented at the time of the writing of this manual and will be implemented in future releases.

All routines in the Music module are exported qualified (and thus must be prefaced with "Music.").

Entry Points  
Play Plays a series of notes.
PlayFile Plays music from a file, returning when the file is finished playing. File must be in an allowable format.
PlayFileReturn Plays music from a file, returning as soon as the music starts. File must be in an allowable format.
PlayFileLoop Plays music from a file, looping over and over. Returns as soon as the music starts. File must be in an allowable format.
PlayFileStop Immediately terminates any playing music files.
Sound Plays a specified frequency for a specified duration.
SoundOff Immediately terminates any sound playing.