inheritinheritance clause

Syntax   An inheritClause is:

 inherit inheritItem

Description   An inherit clause specifies that the class containing the clause is to be an expansion of another class. This expansion is called inheritance. The class containing the clause gains access to (inherits) all the declarations inside the target item. Expansions are used to add new declarations and exports and to support polymorphism (overriding subprograms).

Example   Here is an example of a stack class. Following it, we show another class, called stackWithDepth, that inherits stack by adding a function called depth.

        class stack
            export push, pop
            var top : int := 0
            var contents : array 1 .. 100 of string
            procedure push ( s : string )
                top := top + 1
                contents (top ) := s
            end push
            procedure pop ( var s : string )
                s := contents ( top )
                top := top - 1
            end pop
        end stack
Next comes an expansion, which inherits the internal declarations of the stack class and adds the depth function.

        class stackWithDepth
            inherit stack
            export depth
            function depth : int
                result top
            end push
        end stackWithDepth
Details   Objects of the inherited class stackWithDepth are like objects of the parent class stack, except there is an additional exported function named depth.

An inheritItem is one of:

 (a) id
 (b) id in fileName

The second form is used when the inherit clause is for a separate unit and the imported item is in a file whose name is different from the item's name, for example:

        inherit ledger in "newledg.t"
The fileName must be an explicit character string, e.g., "newledg.t". Parentheses are allowed around the item in an inherit clause, as in:

        inherit ( ledger in "newledg.t" )
There is a special form of inherit clause, called an implement clause, that is used to separate an interface from an implementation. Modules and monitors, as well as classes, use these clauses. See implement clause and implement by clause.

If class D inherits class C, we say that C is the parent and D is the child. Class B is said to be an ancestor of class D (and D is the descendant of B) if B and D are the same class, or if B is the parent of D, or if B is the parent of the parent of D, etc. We write this as follows:

        B <= D      % B is an ancestor of D
If B is an ancestor of D but not the same as D, we say B is a strict ancestor of D. We write this as:

        B < D       % B is a strict ancestor of D
We also use the notations D >= B, D > B and D = B with the obvious meanings. All of these notations can be used in a program. Their main use is in conjunction with objectclass, which determines the class of an object located by a pointer. For example, if p is declared to be a pointer to a stack, we can write the following to see if p currently locates an object with the depth operation:

        % Does the object located by p have the depth operation
        if stackWithDepth <= objectclass(p) then
A pointer that locates an object created as class E can be assigned to a pointer to class B, only if B is an ancestor of E. For example, a pointer to an object that is a stackWithDepth can be assigned to a pointer to stack, but not vice versa. The pointer nil can be assigned to any pointer variable, but the value nil(C) can only be assigned to a pointer to an ancestor of C.

An object (located by a pointer) can be assigned to another object only if they were created as objects of the same class. However, assignment of objects that are monitors or that contain dynamic arrays or collections is not allowed.

Circular (recursive) inherits are not allowed. For example, if unit B inherits A then A cannot inherit B. Only one item is allowed in an inherit clause; in other words, Turing supports single inheritance but not multiple inheritance.

See implement clause for a special kind of expansion that separates a module, monitor or class' interface from its implementation. See class for an example of polymorphism, in which an inheriting class overrides subprograms of its parent class.

The initialization of a module, a monitor or an object is immediately preceded by the initialization of the item that it inherits or implements (if any). Correspondingly, if the item has an implement by clause, the implementation is initialized immediately after the initialization of the current item.

Within a class C, with ancestor B, you can force a call to exported subprogram p using the form C.p (or B.p). This calls the subprogram declared in C (or in B in the case of B.p), regardless of the actual class of the object and any overriding of p. This is similar to the notation C::p of the C++ language. This notation can only be used inside class C.

See also   unit, module, monitor and class. See also export list, import list, implement clause, implement by clause and deferred subprogram. See also objectclass.