Window.GetActivePart of Window module

Syntax   Window.GetActive : int

Description   The Window.GetActive function returns the window ID of the active window. If the active window is a Turing run window, then Window.GetActive returns defWinID (which is -1) if the window is the default run window, or whatever number was returned from Window.Open for any other run window. If the active window is not a run window, then it returns -5 and sets Error.Last and Error.LastMsg to indicate the fact.

An active window is defined as the window that has the input focus. This means that any typing will be sent to the active window. Under most systems an active window is indicated by a change in the appearance of the window.

Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Window.GetActive, not by calling GetActive.

See also   Window.SetActive.