Mouse.ButtonChoosePart of Mouse module

Syntax   Mouse.ButtonChoose (choice : string)

Description   The Mouse.ButtonChoose procedure is used to change the mode of the mouse. In Turing, the mouse can either be in "single-button mode" or in "multi-button mode". In "single-button mode" the mouse is treated as a one button mouse. A button is considered pressed when any button is pressed and released only when all buttons have been released.

In Turing, the mouse starts in "single-button mode".

The parameter choice can be one of "singlebutton", "onebutton" (which switch the mouse into "single-button mode") or "multibutton" (which switches the mouse into "multi-button mode").

Example   A program that displays the status of the mouse at the top left corner of the screen.

        Mouse.ButtonChoose ("multibutton")
        var x, y, button, left, middle, right : int
        Mouse.Where (x, y, button)
        left := button mod 10           % left = 0 or 1
        middle := (button - left) mod 100   % middle = 0 or 10
        right := button - middle - left     % right = 0 or 100
        if left = 1 then
            put "left button down"
        end if
        if middle = 10 then
            put "middle button down"
        end if
        if right = 100 then
            put "right button down"
        end if
Status   Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Mouse.ButtonChoose, not by calling ButtonChoose.

See also   Mouse.ButtonMoved and Mouse.ButtonWait to get mouse events saved in a queue. See also Mouse.Where to get the current status of mouse button(s).